Fri. Nov 18th, 2022

Theres now an easy way to duck out of long, boring Zoom meetings thanks to a little online tool called Zoom Escaper. This lets users generate particularly irritating noises, like a crying baby or building works, in order to sabotage a call.
Zoom Escaper appears to be an ideal solution for anyone whos tired of spending way too much time on Zoom (or other videoconferencing platforms). The tool lets users hijack their own audio stream with a series of more or less irritating noises, from an annoying echo to building work, wind, a crying baby and a barking dog.
It’s enough to quickly make your presence in the meeting unbearable for others on the call, giving you the perfect excuse to leave.
The tool was developed by Sam Lavigne, an American entrepreneur specialising in new technologies. Currently, it only works in the Google Chrome browser and requires users to install a small free software program called VB-Cable. Then, set the microphone to VB-Cable in Zoom, or any other videoconferencing platform, to make use of the tool. Sounds are generated directly via the Zoom Escaper page (set the output on the page to VB-Cable).
Find out more about Zoom Escaper in this video tutorial. AFP Relaxnews